What is Managed Print Services?
How well do you think a new employee would do at your company if you showed them to their desk, threw a stack of papers on it and said, “Get to work”? You value your employees and your investment in them, so you take an active role in helping them succeed. Yet we don’t take the time to actively manage our print devices to get the most out of the investment.
Let OMC manage your print fleet for you as part of our complete package of services. OMC Managed Print Services is like having a leader that takes a special interest in everyone. Our services include: training, supplies management, asset management, top quality printing software, automated meter collection, and service integration. Add in our green initiatives, and you have a complete program to make the most out of your investment.
Asset Management
When you take the time to review a process or set of procedures at your office, you can always find some improvement to take action on. Then when you update process or procedure your office benefits from the increased productivity and savings. What if you could get a specialist to analyze your printing needs and it came free with your print devices?
OMC knows that your situation is unique. We will take the time to analyze how your company is organized. We have the experts to help you shape a cohesive printing system for your office. The results: greater productivity and functionality, for a reduced cost. OMC asset management is ongoing, so when requirements change we’ll be there to reconfigure your devices to maintain optimal efficiency.
Printing Software and Solutions
Our offerings include: email integration, scanning solutions, document management, document archiving, OCR Software, file sharing solutions, document accounting management, paper saving solutions, and form generation solutions.
Service Integration
How great would it be if in the future your systems called in their own service calls? Well the future is here, because OMC has the software and the expertise to make it happen. In some cases the devices can notify OMC of issues before you notice them.
OMC will provide your management team with ongoing service reporting to make sure they are always informed. We will proactively use this information to solve any service issues before they become a headache. OMC also provides loaners anytime you have additional service problems, because we never want to see your people inconvenienced.
Is your budget a concern and you are considering cost cutting measures? Before you have to start making serious cuts you owe it to yourself to make sure all your systems are running at optimum efficiency. Let OMC do the work to make your printing systems work at their most efficient!
OMC has specialists that will analyze your unique situation and find a way to save you money on your overall printings systems. We don’t just stop at equipment, toner, and maintenance cost, but will take the time to look at locations, uses, training, and settings to make you as productive as possible. OMC has six of the top manufacturers available to solve every need in the most cost efficient manner. Let our team of experts make your printing devices pay for themselves.
Other great benefits
Supply Management, Automated Meter Collection, Asset Management Reports, Eco Friendly Recycling of Systems and Supplies.